Sensuality and the Surreal


Collaboration with The Intimology - The Quiet Power of Erotic Self Witness

Recently I was asked to collaborate with The Intimology- The Global School for Healthy Pleasure for their month celebrating all things Erotic.

I shared a photo story of self portraits taken over the years and I wrote an accompanying article on the process, I have created of Erotic Self Portraiture.

It was interesting as through this written reflection I looked back at the years I have been working with this medium and recognised just how powerful a tool it has been to my creative and sexual discovery. I firmly believe that these two forces are connected and both resonate with Erotic energy.

Creating rituals of embodiment in front of my camera has helped me to safely stretch in to new archetypes of my sexual spectrum and through this place of play, shape shifting and erotic self-witness I have been able to reveal more of my inner world that over time is creating my outer.

As above so below.

You can read the full article here.

Below is the Photo Story that accompanies the article.

Sophia Schorr-Kon